We all know that our bodies need fiber and even though there are many foods that have fiber added to them, many people still suffer from its deficiency. For example, the new diet that is prevalent in the West today has caused many Americans to face severe fiber deficiency. Experts estimate that only 5% of Americans get enough fiber each day. Foods high in fiber make a person resistant to cancer, heart disease, diverticular disease, kidney stones, premenstrual syndrome and obesity and are also beneficial for the health of the digestive system.
Total dietary fiber of almonds: 0.6 grams of fiber per 6 pieces
Important almond nutrients: protein, vitamin E, manganese, magnesium, vitamin B2, omega-6 fatty acids
Total dietary fiber of walnuts: 1.9 grams per 28 grams of walnuts
Important walnut nutrients: protein, manganese, copper, omega-6 fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B9, vitamin B6, phosphorus.
The amount of fiber in nuts is less, but consuming nuts is a very healthy way to quickly increase the amount of fiber in the body. Almonds are lower in calories and fat compared to walnuts, but they are higher in potassium and protein. In addition, scientists have come to the conclusion that walnuts improve thinking power, memory and moods and help the brain’s nervous functions.